Miss O'Callaghan
The Legendary "Miss O"
A long career in the service of educating the young of the Diocese of Wilmington, Miss Sheila O’Callaghan will begin her 50th continuous year of service to St Ann School.
Affectionately known as “Miss O’” by her present and former students, she has taught generations of students and their parents.
On September 1, 1972, Miss Sheila O’Callaghan entered the doors of St. Ann School, which was staffed by the sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia, to live her vocation by teaching and serving the students of the school in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
On September 1, 2021, Miss O began her 50th year of continuous service to St. Ann School. She has served as Assistant Principal, homeroom teacher, Declamation coach, After Care Director and Coordinator for the Missions, just to name a few.
Although she no longer teaches in a homeroom, she continues to teach in many other ways, especially by her example, each and every day. In addition to being in school every day, Miss O’ spends many hot summer days in school preparing for the opening of After Care in the fall.
In honor of this milestone and dedicated commitment, St. Ann School is happy to announce the creation of the Spirit of St. Francis Fund to mark Miss O’s years of service to our students, parents and alumni.
At Miss O’s direction, the fund will help support both under-served and struggling families to maintain the gift of Catholic education. This needs-based fund will help ensure Gospel values and academic excellence are within reach for those in need, in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
St. Francis reminds us that we are all brothers and sisters, called to look out for the poor, the needy and the vulnerable. In his Seraphic spirit, we invite you to make an inaugural contribution in honor of our own Golden Rose of Ireland, Miss Sheila O’Callaghan.
The Spirit of St. Francis Fund
With Miss O’s blessing, we have established the
in her honor.
This fund will provide opportunity and diversity to under-served students and families in our community for whom a Catholic education is out of reach.
The sponsorship program offers many giving levels, along with a special thank you from Miss O’Callaghan.
Your generosity will help students previously unable to afford the “hidden gem” of the Forty Acres & Highlands:
St. Ann School
To donate to the fund use the link below for Paypal / Credit Card or Scan the Venmo QR code.
Sponsorship Levels
Irish Waterford Crystal - $2500 +
Irish Rose - $1000 - $2499
Irish Whiskey - $500 - $999
Shamrock Shakes - $100 - $499