
Baptism is the basis for the Christian life, with Baptism the individual is freed from original sin and reborn as a child of God.

A person who is baptized becomes a member of Christ and His Church; one becomes a member of the Mystical Body of Christ (the Catholic Church). A baptized person then shares in Christ's mission on earth.

The Church has seven sacraments, before any of the other six sacraments can be received, one must be baptized.

Select the link below to learn more about Baptism



 INTERESTED IN BAPTIZING YOUR CHILD AT ST. ANN’S?  There is an online Baptism PREP class required if you have not taken a class within the last three years.  Just visit  Ascension Press.  The cost for the class is $9.95.  Once you have taken the class, we can get you on our baptism calendar.   Please make sure to email us a copy of your course completion certificate.  We are scheduling baptisms for the second and third Sunday of each month after the 10:30am mass – so approximately 11:30pm.   For more info, email or call 654-5519.